Leo Reijnders

In his ongoing series, (over 200 works and counting ) of figuratief narrative paintings,
Leo Reijnders investigates issues of desire .While basing the work in the sub-conscious
desires of the artist, they also seek to involve the viewer, by allowing enough undefined
space to consider our own motivations and desires. Completed in one day , they represent
"(day)-dreamscapes" where anything is possible.
Using backgrounds that are most often represented by a simple horizon line, establishes
only " space " and " place" leaving their exact location undefined.The scenes depicted could
be taking place in the desert, on the moon or more likely , in the mind.
Dislocating the "place" allows for a multitude of associations and interpretations, depending
on the viewers "space".
These psychological wanderings question their own validity by never being instructive or preachy,
thereby stimulating the imagination to consider the potential for new discovering while peering
through the dirty spectacles of life.
Original text by Dennis Anderson
Read more selected articles about Leo Reijnders and the cloudknitters/wolkenbreiers (NL/DUTCH)
download artist's resume (word document)
View some of Leo Reijnders' work.
Leo Reijnders personal website